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Ilfusion Inc. is a full-service creative agency located in Fort Worth, TX with talents in web, design, video, social media and marketing consultation.

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Rule Of Thirds vs. Golden Ratio: Design Terms You Need to Know
July 19, 2024 | By: Ilfusion Team

Rule Of Thirds vs. Golden Ratio: Design Terms You Need to Know

A cohesive design is key to creating a visually appealing and effective piece of work. Two terms that are commonly used in the design world are the rule of thirds and golden ratio. While both concepts aim to create balance and harmony in a composition, they each have their own distinct principles and uses. What… view more

June 21, 2024 | By: Ilfusion Team

What You Need to Know About Domain SEO

The domain of your brand website is an important aspect of your online presence, as it helps differentiate you from competitors and establish your brand identity. However, domain SEO is often overlooked or misunderstood, which may result in missed opportunities. Here’s what you need to know about domain SEO to make the most out of… view more

May 17, 2024 | By: Ilfusion Team

A Beginner’s Guide to Link Velocity

Backlinks are an essential part of a successful search engine optimization (SEO) strategy. They help search engines understand the value and relevance of your website, thus improving your ranking in search results. But simply having backlinks is not enough — you also need to consider the speed at which these links are acquired. And this… view more

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