
5 Marketing Ideas to Start the New Year Right

5 marketing ideas to start the new year right January 6, 2021 | By Ilfusion Team

The new year heralds the turning of a new leaf, and it presents businesses of all sizes with new opportunities to connect with audiences. Ring in the new year right with these 5 new year marketing ideas!

1. Personalized new year email

While most would advise to send a new year email before the actual day, there’s also value in waiting a couple of days after the first day of the year to send an email. This would ensure that your message doesn’t get lost in the sea of marketing emails that will surely flood customers.

Make your email stand out by personalizing it. Doing so also creates authentic interactions with your recipients, and makes them feel more valued than receiving the usual boilerplate “Happy New Year!” Here are a few ideas:

  • Include the recipient’s name in the greeting
  • Leverage brand storytelling and briefly share your business’ journey through the challenges of the previous year
  • Share a high-level overview of what you’re hoping and aiming for this year
  • Sweeten the deal by adding a discount code or offer, especially for loyal customers
2. “New year, new products” promotion

It’s a known fact that more than the majority of consumers follow brands on social media to stay up to date with their new products and services.

What better way to brighten up the season than promoting your new products at the start of the new year? Consumers are generally still in the post-holiday spending spirit, so this presents huge opportunities to market your product/service launch:

  • Use branded hashtags to reinforce your brand identity
  • Offer discounts to a limited number of buyers for your new products/services
  • Offer free shipping deals for certain areas to cater to today’s online shopping trend
  • Bundle up the deal with existing products or services
3. “Help us have a better 2021” promotion

Customers love to feel that their opinions are valued. Get them involved in your 2021 planning by asking them to provide feedback on how to make your business better this year. 

While it can be a challenge to get your customers to participate in surveys, you can incentivize them by providing rewards like discount vouchers or a free product/service once they do. A few things to consider including in your survey:

  • What aspects of our business did you like? (Provide choices and an option to fill in their own answers)
  • What aspects of our business can we improve on?
  • How can we improve our products, services, customer service, or online shopping experience?
4. New year positivity promotion

Join in the trend of new year’s resolutions by promoting positivity on your social media feed: body positivity, health, goal setting, organization, etc. The crucial thing here is to promote what makes the most sense to your brand. 

For example, it would be more reasonable to post about ways to grow one’s business or boost one’s productivity this year if you’re a business coach, while it’s more ideal to post about getting into shape and starting healthy habits if your business is in the health and fitness industry.

For retail stores (depending on your niche), run promotions for items that would likely be in trend during the new year. Some examples include:

  • Workout clothes and equipment
  • Kitchenware for healthy meals
  • Healthy food options
  • Craft supplies/planners/calendars for productivity
  • Self-care products
  • Books/e-books on self-improvement
5. Cater to post-holiday returns

Impulse buying during the holidays is expected, and so are unwanted gifts. If you’re in retail, make sure to be prepared for post-holiday returns. A few things you can do:

  • Be clear on your return and refund policy to set the right expectations
  • Amp up your customer service and be prompt in responding and resolving issues, especially when handling upset customers
  • For returns, you can encourage customers to purchase another item or offer a discount voucher should they buy from your store again

Start the new year right with a solid digital marketing strategy

With each year, digital marketing becomes all the more important as consumers become more reliant on the internet. Have a bright start this 2021 by making sure your digital marketing strategy is on-point and well-thought-out.

If you need help with any of your digital marketing needs, give us a call at 888-420-5115, or send us an email at [email protected].