June 3, 2015 | By:

The Turbit

This crazy ol’ world of ours is spinning faster and faster everyday. Not literally, as we would all be slung to our spacey-doom. I mean figuratively we are all moving more quickly and filling every moment with some bit of active or passive bullshit. This go-go-go mentality has also seeped into the professional world. Specifically, “need for speed” has seeped into the creative world. The inherent problem is that creativity, art, etc, at its core, is not go-go-go but more woah-woe-Woooaaaahhh duuude. Think, 0 mph rather than 1000 mph. If we want to talk about turtles and rabbits both are losers in this space.


Let’s consider that creativity and artistic ideas are deeply fueled by dreams or daydreaming. One of those two of being completely reliant on being unconscious. Sleep means you’re typically not moving and all your systems are slowed to near death levels. All except your brain systems. That’s when creativity thrives. Creativity thrives in an environment where everything else stops matrix-bullet-time style and ideas can finally move about the cabin freely.

On day dreaming, we’re talking about a flurry of ideas and pencil’s zooming to action immediately after a brief moment of stasis and optional drooling. People! That’s not too far from sleeping with your eyes open. Day dreaming is as critical to the designer/artist/writer as the pen and paper he or she is using. But a lot of thinking and dreaming will get you nowhere.


Business functions with the primary goal to make the customer happy but honestly its actual primary goal this day and age is to get as much done as possible in the least amount of time possible. This is partly due to our culture that is driven by immediate gratification. We’re all going to die soon right? Tomorrow’s not guaranteed therefore results now are highly preferred.

It is often that we at Ilfusion have clients that come in that need something new…right now. Right now because the sooner they have the goods the sooner they can enjoy their money. That’s completely understandable because money is pretty friggin’ sweet. IF I have one person making boxes that yields 10 cents then I want more boxes being made. I must get that one box maker making as many as possible as quickly as possible…then I will think about getting two box makers. I need all my box makers going 1000 mph.

Brilliant! the conflict becomes crystal clear. Creativity is slow, business is not slow.


How we solve this is finding a happy medium. If you’re team is filled with fresh faces from college your speed will be greatly hindered as most institutions of higher learning give lots of breathing room for students to figure things out. Students are acclimated to long production times. Very fresh professionals have not yet built their experience level to pump out work as quickly as business needs…and surely not at a satisfying quality. Experience is the best ingredient for timely production speed and quality.

But experience alone won’t win the day. Having solid operating procedures and processes in place also helps create structure. Without structure creativity seems to swirl and vanish like a fart in the wind. Creativity is best when partnered with discipline, limitation and direction. Which sounds like a real buzz kill but when we can transform an “artist” into a “problem solver” we see speed increase and enhanced results from the work that is produced.

The Obvious Conclusion

Experience and Processes are the most effective ways to take 0 mph to something more like 88 mph. “You’re telling me you tied a Delorean into a blog post!?”. Any faster and you will ultimately burn out your creative or be handed something that is…crap. After a handful of years, Ilfusion has employed valuable talented people that have experience. Ilfusion has also built a business that truly has the right processes in place to be as quick as possible and still produce award-winning work. To wrap this up in a trite little package, you’re not dreaming! Ilfusion is that good! Call us today…It’s time to finish the race. Did you wince? I did too. We have that in common now.

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