
A Sharp Angle Can Save Your PR from the Round File

August 16, 2012 | By Ilfusion Team

A Sharp Angle Can Save Your Press Release from the Round File

Do you feel like more of your press releases are making it into editors’ trash cans than into their publications? Don’t feel bad – it’s a common problem.

Large publications can receive hundreds of releases each day. That’s hundreds of product launches, event announcements and company awards that are competing for a limited amount of space. What’s going to make an editor pull yours out of the pile?

To get noticed, your story needs an angle. Something that makes it unique, interesting and newsworthy. In other words, why would anyone other than you, your company and maybe your mother care?

Here are some tips to find that newsworthy angle in your story that will keep it from certain death in the editor’s circular file.

1. Find the right time

Does your announcement have a natural tie-in to a holiday, a season or a big event? Editors often prioritize press that contain timely information. For example, if you are introducing a new hang-over remedy, the week before New Year’s Eve is a fantastic time to get that story out.

2. Tie it in to a relevant news story, public concern or controversy

A company that is introducing a new line of deadbolt locks might want to include information from a recent article about a rise in residential burglaries. A vitamin manufacturer can grab on to a new study that proves a certain mineral is beneficial to heart health. If your press release can offer an answer to a widespread concern or need, your chances of publication increase.

3. Give them the warm fuzzies

Are you promoting an event that benefits a charity? Will your new product help people live better, healthier lives? Did you start your successful business with nothing but a $100 loan? People like feel-good stories, and editors love to publish them.

If you’re having trouble finding the right angles for your press releases, Ilfusion’s team of PR experts can help. Contact us or give us a call.