
A World Without Social Media

a world without social media April 12, 2012 | By Ilfusion Team

In 2011 over 80% of Americans used social media. Companies are catching on that social media outlets like Facebook, Twitter and Google+ are great places to start conversations and relationships between business and consumer. Inbound marketing uses these online relationships to drive consumers to the business’ website and educate, inform, and entertain followers on outlets that are accessible by mobile, desktop, or laptop.

But what if we lived in a world that didn’t have social media? How would businesses successfully advertise and interact? Here are some plausible ideas we think would work:

• Pass out candy with the business name printed on the wrappers. If you’re going to a park or other highly populated public area, add a little jingle to bring people to your van. Don’t worry if they seem wary at first, once they see the candy, they’ll come running.
• Host special events. These don’t have to be elaborate; a simple impromptu popup booth in a bathroom will work!
• Get t-shirts, sweat bands, sweatshirts, socks and sweatpants made with the business logo. Hire someone to run around town sporting this uniform or hand them out at the special events you’re hosting! The more people see it, the more they’ll remember it. Better yet, hire 100 people!
• If you don’t want to hire a person, building a robot to do the dirty work is always an option.

Thankfully we have the technology to build relationships, interact, and spread the message businesses want to spread. Keeping information all in one place that is accessible by computer or phone allows us to take the time we would be spending building robots or passing out candy to be more social!