Camera Quality: Not Your Biggest Problem
In the world of video production, there are plenty of options for an affordable, quality camera. Those who before could not fork over the cost to create a movie can now do so for a fraction of the cost. However, the downside is that while anyone can now create a video, they may not have the skills or creativity to produce one of quality.
In our experience, many people think that all you need to make a good video is a high quality camera that can shoot 4K RAW in 3D, and everything else will just work itself out. Instead of hiring a professional videographer, they use their expensive camera and create the video themselves. While having a great camera has many benefits and can make production easier, it is not the most important thing. Your ability to use the camera to its full potential to effectively tell a story outweighs the quality of the picture.
Take the movie Skyline for example. It was shot using a RED camera, a digital cinema camera that can produce amazing quality video at 4K resolution and costs an arm and leg. While the movie looks pretty and has great special effects, it lacks creativity. On the other end of the spectrum, the movie Act of Valor was shot mostly on the Canon 5D MKII. This is a consumer DSLR camera that can be purchased for around $2,000. While Act of Valor won’t be winning any awards for acting (Navy SEALs aren’t known for their acting), the story telling and camera work is miles ahead of Skyline. This video for example, was shot on an iPhone which goes to show you that it isn’t always about the equipment!
Before you go out and spend $16,000 on a Canon C300, consider your skill set and creativity when it comes to creating videos. Get a cheaper camera and learn every function and technique inside out. If there isn’t time for that, then it’s best to invest in someone who knows what he or she is doing. Save your company time and money and invest in something you know is quality.
Filed in: Articles, Featured, Video/Photo