
Coloring is Fun

What You Need to Know About Domain SEO September 29, 2011 | By Ilfusion Team

Last week the Ilfusion team took some time to color… themselves that is.

Being a close-knit business, we wanted to take some time to learn more about our co-workers and how to work alongside each other in the best possible way. With that said, we decided to bring in an expert and contacted a True Colors trainer. True Colors is a model of personality identification that is easy to understand and uses four colors to represent the different personality styles people possess.

After participating in a few instructional exercises, each employee filled out a form that rated groups of words that described them the most. The points were added up and each employee’s color was revealed. The Ilfusion team had at least one of every color; gold, green, blue and orange. Each color represents a personality style that is valuable to the success of a business.

The next part was the most fascinating as we learned about the personality traits of each color. The description of each employee’s traits matched their personalities with remarkable accuracy. This was valuable to learn because it taught us how to understand and communicate effectively with our co-workers. The training came to an end after a couple more team-building exercises and Ilfusion walked away with some valuable knowledge. We learned how to handle different situations and build relationships within and outside of our company.

To learn more about True Colors, schedule a workshop, or take an online assessment, visit www.true-colors.com.