It’s Time To Get Engaged
Are you ready to make a long term commitment? And no, I’m not talking about the kind that involves a ring. I’m talking about the kind of engagement you foster between your brand and your fans. For so long, many companies have thought that the end result for social media was increasing your likes. However, now more than ever, we are seeing that the name of the game is engagement. Sure, you can buy a ton of likes and follows for your various platforms. There are both legal and illegal ways to do this. Social Media savvy fans can usually spot a phony fan base though when they see a high number of page followers with zero interactions. This has been a concept that can be hard to explain, but Veritasium lays it all out beautifully through some research and a social experiment.
This blog may or may not have been influenced by my own recent change of marital status (I said yes!), but it is an important point nonetheless. As I’ve helped brands build their social media pages, I have seen how crucial engagement is. Likes can be easy to come by if you want to pay, but what really takes some effort is engaging and interacting with your fans. While it does take more work, the reward speaks for itself. Your social media sites become an active space for conversation rather than a collection of static fans that only sit around. If you have one or two fans who enjoy interacting on your page, you now have a couple more people that will sing your brand’s praises when asked. These are the kinds of fans your brand needs to thrive.
While having a lot of likes can help, remember that engagement is key. If you need help working on your brand’s social media, find out how our team of social media strategists can help you! Check out our work and give us a call at 888.420.5115.
Filed in: Articles, Social Media