
On the Edge

August 4, 2011 | By Ilfusion Team

Adobe Edge to be exact.

Just a couple of days ago, Adobe released a preview of its new web motion and interaction design tool, Adobe Edge. It is essentially Adobe’s response to Apple products moving from Flash to newer technology as it incorporates web standards like HTML5, CSS3, and jQuery.

While Adobe uses Flash for web animations and interactivity, its new cousin Adobe Edge offers different strengths where Flash has several disadvantages. To list a few, Flash is a hardware accelerator which drains batteries quickly, is not compatible with smart phones or other devices such as iPads, and cannot be read by Google (negatively affecting SEO). Edge, however, is designed so web developers can create animations inside of code, remedying each of the previous disadvantages.

While not all features have been released in the preview of Adobe Edge, it is apparent from looking at the timeline feature that it has been designed in a way that people who use Flash will be able to easily migrate and transition to.

For more on how Adobe Edge works, visit their help page: https://helpx.adobe.com/ph_en/support/edge-animate.html

Do you think it will make Adobe Flash disappear in, well, a flash?