Take Command of Your Social Media Strategy
Social Media is evolving every day and brands are coming to understand its value in SEO, marketing, customer service, and sales leads. The only way to fully appreciate what social media can do for your brand is to see the myriad of analytics now available for ROI analyzation. The only problem that still largely exists in this arena of marketing is the visual disconnection of these analytics, both through lack of graphical interpretation and through the broken maze of sourced interfaces.
Hootsuite has solved this problem. Through their Enterprise package, Hootsuite gives brands (or their wonderful agency strategists) the tools necessary for quick, easy, and accurate analytics graphs reports at a moment’s notice. As these tools become more integrated into social media managers’ daily monitoring, the idea of command centers has emerged.
Social media “command centers” have become a revolutionary way for major brands and events to engage with fans, absorb user-generated content, and gather relative insights to be used in future marketing campaigns. Gatorade, Dell, and the NFL all utilize social media command centers, using an impressive display of monitors and a team of responders, almost like a mini NASA, to oversee every minute of online conversation and to respond to praise, ideas, funny anecdotes, and complaints – all in real time.
While smaller brands likely do not require such intense regulation, they do need monitoring and representation in online forums. Our social media strategists have small scale command centers set up for all of their brands, and will monitor and engage in social media conversations surrounding your brand and industry. Because many companies are not taking such precise advantage of their social media marketing tools, our strategists will put you ahead of the game, often positioning your brand as the expert in your industry.
If you’d like to know more about social media strategy and what Ilfusion can do for you, email or call us at 888.420.5115.
Filed in: Articles, Featured, Social Media