
You’re Invited to the Secret Circle

January 28, 2014 | By Ilfusion Team

I hear a lot of people say Google+ is a ghost town. I find this funny because I see literally thousands of people on a daily basis just in my circles and the communities that I’ve joined. The biggest mistake Google made (which can also be seen as a very good thing for privacy) is that when you first join Google+, since no one has added you to a circle yet, you may think they haven’t ever posted on their profile unless they’re sharing publicly. However, once they begin sharing with you, you will see that it is actually quite active.

I try to keep everything organized and somewhat private by posting family related stuff to my family circle and work related stuff (mostly random photos taken around the office with Google Glass) to my Ilfusion circle, while I make other technology-related posts public so people know I’m actively posting.

My overall experience with Google+ has been very positive. It is great to have the ability to share content the way you want while still retaining a certain level of security. Try out Google+ today, and play around with these unique features:

Hangouts – 10-way video chat, calls and texting

Circles – easy privacy control when sharing

Events – easily invite people with calendar integration

Photos – photo enhancement and editing capabilities

Mobile – automatically backup your photos and keep them organized

If you have questions or need help with how to manage various social media profiles for your business or personal brand, contact us.